Friday, October 19, 2012

The need to be wanted...

Emotional turmoil. Loneliness. Confusion. Inferiority. Stupidity. goes on and on. What in the fuck is anyone suppose to do anymore? Feelings are no longer valid. They are no longer sacred. Life is no longer sacred. Death is coveted.

"I love you to death."

"I will die for you."

What about, "I love you for life." Or, "I will live for you."

I will live for you in return. When one feels that way, the other seems to have the opposite feelings. The relationship starts out wonderful. Both are filled with love and understanding. Then one day, one person changes. Then, they expect the other person to have changed. So what happens? The one that didn't change is all of a sudden an asshole? Am I retarded? Or did I miss something in there somewhere? Cause I just don't get it.

Then you have those guys that sit there and say stupid shit like, "why do women date such assholes?", "why don't the nice guys get good women?" Let me break it down for you...gentlemen...

A woman doesn't choose a guy because he is a BAD guy. It's not like they act like neanderthals and beat us till we fall in love! They don't start out that way! What those "assholes" have that a lot of "nice" guys don't is confidence and courage!!! They also don't put pressure on us!

About that pressure...when a woman loves a man, he changes all of a sudden, she is hurt and confused, they break up, she is heartbroken; here is what NOT to do!!!!

1. Don't hit on her like she is open game once again! She needs time to process her feelings, re-validate herself with HERSELF, and then heal her heart. This takes TIME!!!! If you are really the better choice for her, then you will WAIT until she goes to YOU!

2. Don't tell her how bad you want to fuck her. Kind of like what I just said, but I felt this one needed to be specified. If she wants you, she will tell you. She already feels low in character and doesn't need you making her feel like a piece of meat!

3. If she doesn't want to talk about it, SHUT THE FUCK UP about it!!! Once again, if she wants you, in any way, she will go to you!!!

4. If she says maybe, that means not anytime soon that she can predict. GOT IT??? Don't ask again! Its like a child repeating a question over and over and over again!!! It's annoying! Chances are, she is on a hairpin with her temper and patience. Do you think pushing her is a good idea? Especially when she just got hurt by YOUR gender? The only thing you are doing is reassuring her that men are insensitive, selfish, assholes. Oh, its not true, you say? Then STOP IT!!!

Now, ladies, if I have missed something, please share. A real woman is one worth every trial and tribulation. When she finds that one person she can accept fully, for everything he is, good and bad, that is something to be held sacred. If you feel you are not good enough for your woman, appreciate her the more!!! It is up to her if she feels you deserve her or not. That should be good enough. A real woman doesn't change. She only loves her man more. She will be a little jealous, at first, but it is up to YOU to show her you love her and only her. Remember, I said a REAL woman. If you have to buy her things in order for her to love you, SHE DOESN'T LOVE YOU!!! A real woman is good with you just loving her, holding her, kissing her, WANTING her!!! She wants to feel WANTED!!!! Women are creatures of obligation. We don't want to be needed by everyone, we want to be wanted by someone to share their life with. It isn't a need, but it sure as fucking hell feels GOOD to KNOW!!!! When we feel we are no longer wanted but obligated to still be there, we lose who we are. It isn't that we like it, that we are ok with it, or we prefer it to a "nice" guy. We know how it once was with the person we choose. It is hard to find someone that gives us that feeling. When we find it, we don't want to lose it. We hold on to hope too tightly.

I gave him my heart and I never wanted it back. I want him to keep it still. I have no use for another broken heart. I can never rely on him, I can not trust him. But I want him to keep my heart. I want him to feel my emotions. I want him to know what I feel...without him. I want him to watch it and wonder, "what happens when it stops beating." I want him too wonder if he will ever find out. He can hide from me, but he can not hide from the connection we have.

That connection. That is what it is. That connection is either there, or it isn't. Most of the time, it isn't. If there isn't a connection, there isn't a connection. Don't force one, gents. The only thing you will do is push her away from you and deeper into her spiral.

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