Sunday, October 21, 2012

Samsara is suffering

Yesterday…or was it the day before? Anywayzzz…I stumbled upon a Kindle book, Modern Buddhism: The Path of Compassion and Wisdom by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. I thought, “Interesting.” So I downloaded it. I know really NOTHING about Buddhism. I won’t even argue it.

The concepts inside about life and enlightenment are absolutely profound! There are concepts in there that I have contemplated on some level at some point. Not on such a high level, but getting there. What blows my mind the most is the concept of the delusions of the mind. I get it. I am trying to really grasp it, though.
What I understand is that we are just manifestations based on delusions of the mind. Our bodies, our “I” image, does not exist. Hmmmmm…I must look more into this!

Imagine…I’m getting all John Lennon on you…universal peace of mind!!!

Ok, let me back up. Buddhism talks of Samsara. Samsara is suffering. In every life you are reborn into brings on that planes type of suffering. Actions within your life will determine which life you will be reborn into. Non-virtuous actions force a birth into a lower level of existence, i.e. animals, hungry ghosts, hell. Perhaps just again as a human, demi-god, or god! It is all based on your actions because your actions create thoughts in your head. Whatever your mindset is when you die is based on your life’s actions and will thus plant the seed for your next life. Even the higher levels, such as gods, have their own type of suffering. The only existence free of all suffering is the Land of the Buddhas. Mind you, this is just my understanding of what I have read in one partial book in the last 2 days. This blog gives me the opportunity to journal and reflect.
Now, where was I? Oh, yes, suffering! So, because we are on this plane, we are forced to suffer. That sucks!!! But there is a way to ease and alleviate the suffering in this life and stop the endless cycle of suffering through rebirth. Through compassion of all life, we can achieve such a wonderful existence, free of suffering. Enlightenment. There is WAY more to this, I realize that. I have much to learn.

I have a goal. My goal in life is to achieve enlightenment. Coincidence? Probably not. I am not saying I am going to up and convert to Buddhism. I love my pagan beliefs. I hold them dear to me. For more than just material, thought manifestations. I have to find the balance. If enlightenment is the only way to be free of suffering, then why not attempt to alleviate everyone’s lives of suffering as much as possible? While we are on this plane, forced to suffer, that does not mean, while we are trying to achieve enlightenment, that we cannot make the most of it. *turns and looks impressed at last sentence*

I worship my Mother Earth. Whether we exist actually or not, we are still stuck with our own delusions until we attain enlightenment. My time until I attain it will be spent trying to become one with the earth. Cherishing all life, without exception. That will take awhile. But I do not expect to grasp this over night. I want to study more on this. I want to study more about paganism. I will find my balance. I won't forget any other religions. I believe I need to have a basis of knowledge on everything. But for now, I will just stick to the two.

I didn't plant the seed, but I can help it grow. I will help it grow more bountiful if I have the wisdom to grow it with care.

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