Monday, November 19, 2012

Nothing is real.

Life has a way of messing us up. We try to understand what is real and what our purpose is, but the more we dig the more confused we seem to get. Is it our arrogance that gets in the way? Doubts seem to infect our minds like a plague. We no longer know how to trust our instincts, but instead trust our own deceiving eyes. What we see is what is real...isn't it? I think not hardly. Even to see it in an objective way, we all have our own perspectives. Our perspectives are based on what is important to us, what our priorities are, how our health is and what our mood is. So, really, seeing is the first stage of denial of what is actually there. Then again, the more we dig with questions trying to find answers, the more questions we come up with.

*deep breath* *sigh*

So, what are we suppose to do? First, say damn the man!!!! The oppression that the world is facing and has been facing needs to stop. How do you stop it? Let those "in charge" realize that they work for the people, by the people, and ARE the people. We know who you are, too. Second, show them you don't need them or their bullshit. The earth gives us everything we need. LEARN how to provide for yourself. There are ways.

Actually, that isn't what you should necessarily do FIRST, but sometimes you need to clear a space so you can place your mat. Become one with your self. That is the most difficult thing to do, I think. It can be done.

Realize that you are worth it. That is it.You are worth the discovery of peace. You are worth working for your self.

We all need to purge ourselves of the crap, the filth, the disease, the negativity from time to time. That means that you have to let go of some things you may not want to let go of. You know it is no good for you. You know that it brings turmoil to your soul. Stop going after it hoping this time will be different. If something changes, it will be self evident. You do not need to sit around and just wait for it, especially when it rarely happens. That is so sad. People refuse to change. If people change, it means they were wrong before. No one wants to be wrong about anything. Our egos reject it. Even though our egos are our own delusional minds making up what is real because we can't accept the possibility that NOTHING is real.

Everything is a big, fat joke. A big fat joke that we are playing on ourselves. I'm not laughing anymore. This joke has gotten really old.

It's time to create something new to laugh at. A new joke to be thought up. How about a big, fat joke about how I learned to manipulate everything around me. I learned how to bend time. I learned how to manifest energy and create what wasn't there before.

I will say that one day. But today, I will say, I WILL learn. I WILL master my mind!

I can't feel the emptiness now. I feel it consuming my every being. But it is not a bad thing. Someday soon, I will master that emptiness and I will be at peace.

Butterfly Moon
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